Appendix: tmux on Windows 10 {#appendix-windows-bash}

As of Windows 10 build 14361, you can run tmux via the Linux Subsystem feature.

Usage requires enabling Developer mode via the “For Developers” tab in the “Update & security” settings.

After enabling, open “Windows Features”. You can find it by searching for “Turn Windows features on or off”. Then check “Windows Subsystem for Linux (Beta)”.

You may be asked to restart.

Then open Command Prompt as you normally would (Run cli.exe). Then type

C:\Users\tony> bash.exe

It will prompt you to agree to terms, create a user. In my build, tmux was already installed! But if it’s not, type sudo apt-get install tmux.

../_images/01-turn-features-onoff.jpgFind Turn Windows Features on or off

../_images/02-turn-features-onoff-check.jpgCheck Windows Subsystem for Linux (Beta)

../_images/03-turn-features-restart.jpgWindows completed the requested changes. Restart

../_images/04-developer-mode.jpgUse Developer features

../_images/05-developer-mode-check.jpgSelect Developer mode in Update & Security

../_images/06-install-ubuntu.jpgInstalling Ubuntu from Windows Store

../_images/07-create-user.jpgCreate Linux user

../_images/08-bash.jpgIn bash!

yourusername@COMPUTERNAME-ID321FJ:/mnt/c/Users/username$ tmux

../_images/09-tmux.jpgIn tmux!

This should allow you to run tmux within bash.exe.

This is a real ubuntu installation, so you can continue to install packages via sudo apt-get install **packagename** and update packages via sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade.