Appendix: Troubleshooting {#appendix-troubleshooting}

E353: Nothing in register * when pasting on vim

If you are using macOS / OS X with vim inside tmux, you may get the error E353: Nothing in register * when trying to paste.

Try installing reattach-to-user-namespace via brew.

{language=shell, line-numbers=off} $ brew install reattach-to-user-namespace

tmuxp: command not found and powerline: command not found {#troubleshoot-site-paths}

This is due to your site package bin path (where application entry points are installed) not being in your paths. To find your user site packages base directory:

{language=shell, line-numbers=off} $ python -m site –user-base

This will get you something like /Users/me/Library/Python/2.7 on macOS with Python 2.7 or /home/me/.local on Linux/BSD boxes.

The applications are in the bin/ folder inside. So, concatenate the two and apply them to your PATH. This can be done automatically on every shell session by using one of these in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc:

{language=shell, line-numbers=off} export PATH=/Users/me/Library/Python/2.7/bin:$PATH # macOS w/ python 2.7 export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH # Linux/BSD export PATH=”python -m site --user-base/bin”:$PATH # May work all-around

Then open a new terminal, or . ~/.zshrc / . ~/.bashrc in your current one. Then you can run $ tmuxp -V, $ tmuxp load and $ powerline tmux right commands.