Takeaway {#takeaway}

In this book, we’ve taken an organized approach to understanding tmux. As you use tmux more and more, continue to come back and use this resource to help wrap your brain around concepts. You do not have to understand the intricacies of tmux, let alone the terminal, in a single sitting. Acclimation happens over time.

tmux’s userbase varies in skill level. Some readers of this book may have just learned how to use the Prefix key yesterday. Others are looking to tweak their configurations and host it in their “dot files” on github. There also exists a very clever hacker who utilizes the advanced scripting capabilities tmux offers to pilot the terminal in ways previously thought impossible.

We’ve covered the server, session, window, and pane concepts. Panes are shells, AKA pseudoterminals or PTYs. The command system. That configuration is basically a file filled with commands. An overview of the target system lets you specify objects to interact with tmux commands. A breeze through formats, a template system with variables to retrieve information on tmux’s current state. How to send keystrokes and copy from tmux panes programmatically. A lot of terminal tricks that work across platforms and well with tmux, including a file watching workflow to run linting, testing, and build commands on file changes. Two permissively licensed open source projects for demonstration. A tmux configuration you can copy and paste from. An object oriented tmux API wrapper and a tmux session manager.

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