开始使用(Practical usage) {#practical-usage}

好的让我们开始吧!打开 terminal 输入 tmux 按 回车键 enter。

    $ tmux

欢迎进入 tmux 的世界。

前缀 组合快捷键( prefix key ){#prefix-key}

我们通过带前缀的组合快捷键向 tmux 输命令。我们可以拆分窗口(windows),移动窗口,切换窗口,切换会话(sessions),或者自定义的命令。


这有点像打街头霸王(Street Fighter



如果使用用Vim,Emacs或其他(Terminal User Interface,TUI) 终端应用程序。如果尚未将组合命令的概念内在化,那就现在开始吧。 在TUI / GUI应用程序中的组合命令的经验将有助于你理解。


以前使用过 GNU Screen

通过 tmux 配置文件设置 tmux 的prefix key 。 在文件 ~/.tmux.conf中设置 prefix :

 set-option -g prefix C-a

于是把prefix键设置成 screen(1) (另一个终端复用工具) 中的prefix key 。

默认的 leader prefix 是<Ctrl-b>。当按住control的时候,同时按b

发送 tmux 命令组合键


  1. 按下 control 键保持
  2. 再按下 b 键保持
  3. 同时释放两个键



<Ctrl-b> d 组合键

  1. 按下 control键保持
  2. 按下 b 键保持
  3. 同时释放两个键
  4. 轻击打 d


你已经断开和tmux session的连接。可通过$ tmux attach 再次连接上。

Nested tmux sessions

You can also send the prefix key to nested tmux sessions. For instance, if you’re inside a tmux client on a local machine and you SSH into a remote machine in one of your panes, on the remote machine, you can attach the client via tmux attach as you normally would. To send the prefix key to the machine’s tmux client, not your local one, hit the prefix key again.

So, if your prefix key is the default, <Ctrl-b>, do <Ctrl-b> + b again, then hit the shortcut for what you want to do.

Example: If you wanted to create a window on the remote machine, which would normally be <Ctrl-b> + c locally, it’d be <Ctrl-b> + b + c.

Hereinafter, the book will refer to shortcuts by Prefix. Instead of <Ctrl-b> + d, you will see Prefix + d.

Session persistence and the server model

If you use Linux or a similar system, you’ve likely brushed through Job Control, such as fg(1), jobs(1). tmux behavior feels similar, like you ran <Ctrl-z> except, technically, you were in a “job” all along. You were just using a client to view it.

Another way of understanding it: <Ctrl-b> + d closed the client connection, therefore, ‘detached’ from the session.

Your tmux client disconnected from the server instance. The session, however, is still running in the background.

It’s all commands

Multiple roads can lead you to the same behavior. Commands are what tmux uses to define instructions for setting options, resizing, renaming, traversing, switching modes, copying and pasting, and so forth.

  • Configs are the same as automatically running commands via $ tmux command.
  • Internal tmux commands via Prefix + : prompt.
  • Settings defined in your configuration can also set shortcuts, which can execute commands via keybindings via bind-key.
  • Commands called from CLI via $ tmux cmd
  • To pull it all together, source code files are prefixed cmd-.


We’ve established tmux automatically creates a server upon starting it. The server allows you to detach and later reattach your work. The keyboard sequences you send to tmux require understanding how to send the prefix key.

Keyboard sequences, configuration, and command line actions all boil down to the same core commands inside tmux. In our next chapter, we will cover the server.